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From everyone at Burckhardt Books, we thank you!
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Donate Financial Support
We are working diligently to find new avenues for income to continue to upgrade computer equipment and to be able to upgrade our service plan for the podcast. Additionally, we are saving to buy soundproofing for our recording area and get a better interface for the remote interviews, all to bring you better quality content.
We do have an archive of interview episodes on our Members Only page (It is free to join, quit anytime. Click red text to join.) It just makes it easier to find all of the guest interviews in one convenient place. Our archive can only be played from our website.
If you would like to donate toward any of these current projects, we have two ways you can do this:
1. Buy us a coffee. Buymeacoffee.com accepts donations for podcasts like mine. They make the
process of donating quick, easy, and reliable. Just click the button to buy us a coffee.
2. Send a direct donation through PayPal. Just scan the QR code and it will take you directly to our
PayPal donation page. All donations for any amount are welcome and deeply appreciated.
Thank you for your support!