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Whatever Wednesday: Valentine's Day

Writer: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Hello Posse,

Somehow it does not seem like it should be Valentine's Day already. January went by in a blur and I am still mentally trying to play catch up. I am lucky that Pedro and I have simple traditions we started for Valentine's Day a while back. Normally, we go out to dinner and possibly a movie and exchange handwritten love letters to celebrate the day. Our focus is just on spending time together and focusing on why we love each other.

While this might work great for us, not everyone would want to forego the gifts and candy so I thought I would share a few last minute gift ideas in case you are stuck or forgot this Sunday is Valentine's Day (like I did until just yesterday).

So many sites suggest the old standby of making homemade coupons for a variety of things from housework to sexual favors but I want to go beyond that and find a few innovative ideas you might have never heard of.

  1. Six ways to love you: Buy a six-pack of your loves favorite drink. It can be beer, soda, Kombucha, whatever. Get some Valentines wrapping paper to decorate the cardboard holder. Make a card to hand from the neck of one of the bottles. Write on it, "Six ways to show you I love you." on the back you can write your personal message.

  2. A Year of Dates: Buy a calendar or make a personal one on a site like Walgreens Photo (<--- click here to go to site) service and write in a date night at least once a month for the next year and promise to make time for each other on these nights no matter what.

  3. Movie Jar: Buy a big jar and both of you write several movies you want to watch on pieces of paper and place them inside. Whenever you have a night in together and have nothing special planned, pick a movie randomly out of the jar and watch it together.

  4. Lego Time: Lego actually has some cute small Love themed kits. Why not buy one and build it together?

  5. Jar of love: We all have days that we do not feel that great. Why not make a jar of love notes? Get a big clear jar and colorful pieces of paper. Cut the paper into strips and write short love notes to your spouse. You can share a favorite memory of something they did or said that you loved. Tell them things you love about them, their eyes, their laugh, the way they can say they are sorry when they are wrong, or don't make you feel bad when you are wrong. It can be that you love how they other people or animals. The way they bring you coffee in bed when you are dragging. Anything goes. Give them the jar and when they are feeling down and need a pick up, they can go read your words anytime they need.

  6. Personalized Picture Frame: Buy a frame at some place like Michael's Gifts or even Dollar Tree or Family Dollar. Then paint and personalize and put your favorite photo of the two of you in it. I love doing this with shadow boxes. I have a photo from a beach of me and Pedro. I put the photo in at the background and in the box I put sand, seaglass, and shells we brought home from the beach.

  7. Love Potions: In a jar, place all the ingredients for hot chocolate. Include pink mini marshmallows and confetti heart sprinkles if you can find them in your local grocery. Make a label for the jar and write "Love Potion #9" on it.

  8. Love Lottery: Buy 12 scratch lottery tickets or even powerball tickets. If you buy powerball tickets, you might need to ask the seller to put each line of numbers on separate tickets or you will not have a dozen tickets. Get pipe cleaners, skewers, or paper straws, and tape the tickets on the ends like flower stems. Arrange them in a vase. You might need to stuff some paper in the vase to make the tickets spread out well. Make a card that reads, "I won the lottery when I met you." fasten a ribbon to the card and tie it around the neck of the vase. Write your personal message on the back.

  9. Pieces of my heart: Get a jar and place in it Reeses Pieces or any other small candies like M&Ms, Skittles, etc. Whatever your significant other likes. Make a card that reads "I love you with all the pieces of my heart." Write your personal message on the back.

  10. Photo Candle holder: I love this one. Take clear candle holders like you can get at the Dollar Tree or any hobby store, and your favorite photos. go to Inspired Ideas (<.--- click here to go to their site) and follow their directions. They can explain this much better than I can.

I hope these ideas can help get you through this weekend with little to no stress about this holiday. Remember, it is always the thought that counts ot at least it should be! If you do not have time to make a craft, breakfast in bed is always great with a handmade card that is from the heart.

An unsolicited foot or back rub is also a big winner for many people. Does your spouse like to relax in the bath. Go draw them a bath, toss in a few flower petals or bath salts, light a few candles, and turn on some romantic music then leave them in peace to enjoy it alone. While they are in the bath, put their towel and slippers in the dryer for a few minutes to warm them up for when they get out.

There are really so many options that cost little to know money but really show how much you love your partner. These things do not have to just be saved for Valentine's day. Everyone always loves to feel loved and appreciated. We don't need to save it for just one day a year.

If your significant other loves to read and has not read Stephen's books yet, The Into the West Saga Serial Collection also make great gifts for your loved ones . . . just sayin'.

I wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Day and I hope it is full of love and romance.




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