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Whatever Wednesday: St. Patrick's Day!

Writer: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Hello Posse!

I hope this blog finds you having a wonderful St. Patrick's Day. This holiday has a special meaning in our home, it's also my mother-in-laws birthday. Sadly, she passed aways before we ever got the chance to meet in person but from everything I have heard about the woman, she was quite accomplished and impressive. I know for a fact that she raised a wonderful son and a daughter. I am very lucky to be a part of the family she helped create.

So for today's blog, I want to share some recipes I think would make for a great St. Patrick's Day celebration or a birthday celebration that happens to fall on St. patrick's Day. When I was searching for a movie snack recipe to suggest in Monday's blog, I found a whole treasure trove of great recipes. Unfortunately, after doing some more research, I found that many of them were not actually Irish in origin, but were created in the US and somehow became synonymous with St. Patrick's Day celebrations.

According to the History Channel, St. Patrick's Day (<--- click to read more) or the Feast of St. Patrick is always celebrated on March 17th, on the anniversary of his death. This holiday has been celebrated for more than 1,000 years by the Irish. The Feast of St. Patrick falls during the season of Lent when the consumption of meat was often prohibited. For this celebration, it was accepted that this prohibition could be lifted for the celebration and people were allowed to feast on a traditional dish of cabbage and Irish bacon, not corned beef as is often served in the US. Irish Bacon is a "back bacon" and is closer to Canadian bacon that what is served in the US. With these differences in dishes in mind, I am going to share a few recipes to cover all aspects of the holiday, no matter in which country you are celebrating . . . I hope.


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This first recipe was the one I had originally planned to use for the movie snack this week, until I found out this is an American dish and not an Irish one. The Reuben is often attributed to the Irish and does come close to the cabbage and Irish bacon dish but is also different in significant ways. No matter where this dish originated, it is a quick, tasty treat that would be a great starter for any meal (or as a movie snack).

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Beer has become synonymous with St. Patrick's Day. Usually the beer being served is just an average American brew that has been turned an unappetizing color of green for the day. Personally, I'd rather skip the green coloring and go straight for a Guinness! What could be better to go with a good strong Irish Stout than these Guinness Cheese Pretzel Bites.

Main Dish:

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I have no idea exactly how this traditional Irish dish for St. Patrick's Day became corned beef and cabbage in the the US. My best guess is that beef was cheaper and easier to come by so the switch was made. But if you want to celebrate today with a more traditional Irish dish who better to get the recipe from than Irish Central?


(^^^ click title to go to recipe)

I just recently tried my hand at making Irish soda bread for the first time and I was surprised how easy it was too make and so good. The bread I have been making is a bit different than this recipe. I just needed a quick everyday bread for toast and sandwiches where this one is more for a dessert or treat with jam and tea.

If you like something that is practically a no fail recipe, this is a good place to start. Do not forget to bless the bread as you slice the cross in the top and poke a hole in each section to let the pixies out. You wouldn't want them messing up your beautiful bread.

(^^^ click title to go to recipe)

I love chocolate and I love a good stout beer so this recipe seems perfect to me. I do recommend the Dutch processed cocoa powder for recipes like this. It just seems to bring a richer flavor to the recipe. Also, while any stout beer will do, Guinness bring a bold flavor that you do not want to miss. If you like a good rich chocolate cake, be sure to give this a try.

After dinner, don't forget to raise a glass and say a toast to the day for luck, health, and happiness for all.

A blessing for St. Patrick's Day and everyday.

May you have love that never ends,

Lots of money, and lots of friends.

Health be yours, whatever you do,

And may God send many blessings to you!

You can also celebrate the day with the Into the West Saga Serial books. The serial is historical fiction and largely based on fact and personal family histories from my own family and from the families of close personal friends. The main characters of the serial are Irish immigrants and their stories help illustrate some of the hardships the Irish faced in the US in the 1800s. Check out all the books currently available for sale in the series here. Part five, Into the West: Last Showdown is currently being written. Be sure to keep watching the Friday Funnies blogs for more sneak peeks from the upcoming book.

So that is it, posse. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and may the luck of the Irish be with you!



My Wish For You . . .


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