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Whatever Wednesday: Part 5 New Title Reveal!

Hello, Posse!

Sorry this is a little late tonight. I hope you are all having a great day. I spent the morning out and about. Part of my time was spent getting my second CoVid19 vaccine shot. No matter how you feel about the vaccine (that is none of my business), for me this was a good thing. With my health conditions, getting the vaccine was a blessing. So I am pretty thrilled about it. I am looking forward to getting out more this summer.

Before I can start heading out to bookstores, libraries, cafes, and movie theaters, I will be glued to the computer finishing up the new part five instalment of the Into the West Saga Serial. It is written and I am doing the first edit/rewrite tonight. Then it will go off to beta readers this weekend. With luck, it will go to the professional editor next week.

I am getting everything set up now so that when the professional editor is through with it, I can immediately set up a publication date for it. I will be so glad to get this saga complete. I have ideas for other territory stories during this time period and I really want to get moving faster on getting them all out. Hopefully, as I get more experience at this, it will start going faster.

But for now, how about the title reveal I promised you?

In my true fashion, I can't just tell you the new title, I have to show you.




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