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Whatever Wednesday: Last Minute Gifts!

Writer: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Hello, Posse!

I hope you are ready for the big day coming up this Friday. I know it never seems to fail that no matter how well I prepare I always seem to end up forgetting to get a gift for someone. With all the hustle and bustle of the season, working, family obligations, sometimes it is easy for a few things to get overlooking in the holiday rush.

That is why it is always good to have a few quick gift ideas you can whip up at the last minute. It might require a quick stop at a discount or a craft store but odds are you might find at least one idea here you can make from things you already have in your home.

Check out this video from the Blossom YouTube channel. Be sure to hit subscribe if you like their ideas.

This time of year tends to make people reflect a bit on their childhoods and the Christmases they enjoyed the most. I remember we had a tradition in our house that my sister and I would sleep in the same room on Christmas Eve and our mom would read us the Night Before Christmas book and Dad would play us the record 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (see video below) for us.

My sister always love the book and I love the record. When my sister had kids of her own, she took the record to play for them. Since she had the record I took the book and hid it. Eventually, she asked for the book to read to her kids as well. We negotiated a trade that was mediated by our mother. I still listen to this from time to time at the holidays. It brings back very fond memories of childhood Christmas Eves with my family.

Thank you all for following along with my all of my holiday blogs this year. I wish you all the very best of everything this holiday.

Merry Christmas, posse.



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