Hello Posse!
I hope you are having a great day. I am actually writing this on Monday evening here and I am so glad this day is just about over!
I screwed up! I went in to make our grocery order as I do every week. I often put it in on Tuesday or sometimes even Wednesday to be delivered Thursday evening. I thought with Easter coming up I should put the order in early and do it today, but I was not early enough. Every delivery time from today until the Tuesday after Easter was booked.
Now we have plenty of food in the house. I bought some quick emergency rations last year and my husband even bought a few MREs so we would have food, but not what I wanted to make for Easter kind of food and we would have run out of eggs. I do have a stash of dehydrated eggs in our emergency rations, and they are surprisingly good scrambled and great for baking, but it's kind of hard to boil those and color them for Easter.
I felt so bad for not paying more attention to this. We have lived here in Germany for about six years now so you would think that by now I would remember that this is a Catholic nation and they actually close everything for high holy days, but nope, I still don't remember. So I quickly ran out to the store today and bought the things we would need to get us through until next week.
I had been getting things delivered for so long I had forgotten what a chore it is to carry all the groceries home half a mile. I am hoping this experience today will help me to remember to put my orders in on time for holidays from now on (and I'm making reminders in my iCal).
So . . . I thought in the spirit of forgetfulness, I would do another last minute treats and DIY crafts for Easter, just in case anyone else got caught unprepared for this holiday. There are so many good suggestions here you might want to make them even if you are already set for this holiday. You can never have too much Easter fun!
Easter Treats

My sister, Stephanie, sent me this idea for the Easter tips.
Here Comes Peter Cottontail,
Hopping Down the Bunny Trail . . . Mix!
You can see all of ingredients in the photo:
Golden Grahams
Peanut Butter Crunch (or reg. if allergies)
Annie's Bunny Snack Mix
Bunny Marshmallows
Easter Color M&Ms
Raisins in individual boxes
Mix the cereals, M&Ms, and crackers and put it all in the plastic eggs. Raisins stay in their little boxes and the marshmallows go in a little baggie. The kids can choose to mix them all up or eat them separately.
Forkly.com has some great ideas in their
(^^^click to go) You can see my favorite idea on their site to the right. Easter Chocolate Covered Strawberries. They are great by themselves or let them grow out of a pudding cup with oreo dirt. It's quick, it's easy, and it's just too cute! Check out all of their amazing snack ideas on their website. It was difficult to choose a favorite. They have so many great ideas!
Easter DIY Crafts
In last Wednesday Whatever's blog, I gave you some craft ideas to do with kids but today I'm going to share some great home decor crafts from Bargain Bethany, a YouTuber I follow. She is great and has some wonderful ideas that are quick, look amazing, and will not break your budget. Be sure to like and subscribe to her channel if you like the ideas and want to see more from her.
Bargain Bethany 2019
Bargain Bethany 2021
That is it for today, posse. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and I wish you and your families a fabulous Easter!
Enjoy and God bless,