Hello Posse!
I hope this blog finds you all happy, healthy, and sane. I will admit some days I struggle for one or all of those. This passed year has most definitely been a test of wills for everyone. I am surprised I did not get more writing done considering I'm been "safe at home" for 344 days. Something about this disruption in my normal life, just seemed to suck the inspiration right out of me. Apathy can be so devastating to goals, but I'm working on that.
Last week, I took some time off after losing my aunt and an old friend. I really needed to just relax for a while and it did me a world of good. While I do not feel like my old motivated self, I'm not having counterproductive thoughts anymore. I am refocusing, making a game plan, and building my motivation to work that plan.
Today, I have already done some studies and worked on my education. Afterwards, I made a loaf of honey oat bread (<--- click to go to the recipe I used) and I plan to write a short story or two today to help get me back into the creative process. I also plan to launch the new trailer for my book serial sometime this week, probably Saturday
These are extraordinary times but if we keep moving forward we just might be able to achieve extraordinary things. Never give up on the goals you want for yourself. I know I plan to keep going after mine no matter how slow I have to go. As long as there is and forward progress, I know I am moving in the right direction!
What do you do when you hit your personal wall? Do you have any rituals you always follow to get yourself out of a funk? Share them with us in the comments.
Have a great week, posse!