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Monday Movie Madness: Godless!

Writer: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Hello Posse!

I am going to make today's blog short and sweet. I am fighting off a head cold and want to go back to bed but I cold not skip today's movie blog, it's a special one. Today is International Women's Day and what better time to feature the Netflix Original Miniseries, Godless.

This miniseries is a western drama made for the television streaming service Netflix. It was written and directed by Scott Frank. Godless stars Jack O'Connell, Michelle Dockery, Merritt Wever, Tantoo Cardinal, Kim Coates, Sam Waterston, Jeff Daniels, Tess Frazer, Samantha Soule, Audrey Moore, Scoot McNairy, and Thomas Brodie-Sangster.

The show is set in 1884 and follows the life of outlaw, Roy Goode (O'Connell) as he try to escape the violence of his former gang and their vengeful leader, Frank Griffin (Daniels). Goode and Griffin had formed an pseudo-parental bond over years captivity in the outlaw gang, but Goode finally finds the courage to break free from the violent life. He escapes, but was injured in the process. He manages to find refuge on a ranch run by widow, Michelle Dockery (Fletcher) along with her mother-in-law and her son.

The local town is peopled almost entirely by women and children. After a horrible accident which took the lives of most of the able bodied men, the women in town stepped up and took over all the roles necessary to keep the town running, regardless of social conventions of the time. Now they have a new challenge to face, Griffin and his men. Will they hand over Goode to save the town, or will they stand their ground and put their own lives on the line to save a stranger and stand up for what is right?

This series was released on Netflix in 2017 to positive reviews. Vanity Fair and The Washington Post both named Godless one of the years' 10 best. What better way to celebrate International Women's Day than to watch a western serial showing the resilience and strength of women?

For today's snack, I did a little research and found that pretzels are considered to be the oldest common snack food dating back to the 6th century. While marshmallows are believed to have been around in ancient Egypt, it seems they were used more medicinally, used for sore throats, than as a snack. Pretzels are believed to have been created by an Italian monk who was also an inventive baker. He was reported to use his pretzel creations to reward young church goers. In fact, the word pretzel comes from the Latin pretzola, which means little reward. I learned something new!

Todays recipe would most likely not have been something the Italian monk gave out, but it was just too good not to share in place of a plain pretzel recipe.

Check out this Spinach Artichoke Dip Stuffed Pretzel recipe by Tasty. Makes me hungry just looking at the picture. I am a sucker for spinach, artichoke anything recipe!

So now you know what time it is posse! Time to get your snacks and settle in for another great western!

Happy International Women's Day!


Godless Official Trailer


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