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Monday Movie Madness: At The Oscars Part 2

Writer: Stephen BurckhardtStephen Burckhardt

Hello Posse!

This blog is going to be short and sweet. I'm on a roll writing part 5 of my Into the West Saga Serial, Into the West: Last Showdown and I do not want to lose my momentum. I am already up to about 35,000 words and 13.5 chapters in with about another 5.5 to go. I hope to have the first draft finished in the next week or so. It's been pouring out of me ever since I finally got the story to click in my head. It sure took it's dang time!

Another reason I want to keep this short today is I read in a writers group on Facebook that another indie author had found his books for sale on but he had not put them up for sale there, so I checked my own books. I found two of my books are listed on the site but they didn't even bother listing me as the author. They listed my editors as the authors even though my name is huge on the cover image. I am working with Walmart to get this taken care of as soon as possible.

I only sell my books from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. If you see them available anywhere else, please do not buy them there, they are being pirated. I would also appreciate it if you let me know if you see them somewhere else. I swear, book pirates make more from my books than I do. It's infuriating.

But for now, on to today's movie, Unforgiven!

Unforgiven was released in 1992 and is a western that was written by David Peoples and produced and directed by none other than western legend Clint Eastwood. This movie stars Clint Eastwood who is joined by Gene Hackman, Morgan Freeman, and Richard Harris. Such an incredible lineup of talent! It was reported Eastwood once said Unforgiven would be his last western because he felt he was running the danger of repeating his own work or imitating someone else's.

Unforgiven had a budget of $14.4 million dollars and grossed over $159 million. It received widespread praise in virtually all areas including directing, acting, editing, and cinematography. It is one of the few westerns to win Best Picture from the Academy Awards but it also won Best Director (Eastwood), Best Supporting Actor (Hackman), and Best Film Editing (Joel Cox). If you are going to make one last western, this is the way to close out that genre in your career. Eastwood was nominated for Best Actor but lost out to Al Piccino for Scent of a Woman. That would be a tough call.

This was the third western to take home a Best Picture Academy Award along with Cimarron (1931), which I covered last week, and Dances with Wolves (1990), which I will cover next week.

The movie follows a former outlaw turned farmer, William Munny (Eastwood), who agrees to take on one more job to avenge an attack on Delilah Fitzgerald (Anna Thomson). Delilah is a prostitute in Big Whiskey, Wyoming. When a pair o cowboys attack and disfigure her, the other prostitutes in her brothel offer a reward for their murder. The local sheriff, Little Bill Dagget (Hackman) is not happy about the bounty they put out and does not allow vigilante justice in his town. The reward brings in gunfighters looking to collect the reward. Munny, the sheriff, and gunfighter English Bob (Harris) face off in this not to be missed western.

Movie Snack Time!

Today's movie snack is inspired by two things. One, popcorn will always be the classic go-to movie snack (and if you disagree I will fight you on this, just teasing). Two, this movie takes place in a town called Big Whiskey, so what better movie snack cold we have than Baker by Nature's, Whiskey Ginger Caramel Corn

(^^^click for recipe)

If this isn't the perfect snack pairing for this movie, I don't know what is. If there was an Academy Award for Best Movie Snack for Unforgiven, this would win, hands down. Yes, I know I am getting a little dramatic here, but I've been writing on part 5, Into the West: Last Showdown pretty much nonstop for about 7 days and I'm starting to get bit loopy. Just go with it.

Now, you know what time it is, posse. Time to grab your snacks and settle in for another great western movie!



Unforgiven Trailer


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