Our furbaby, Shaggy. He is a rescue from Moscow.
Hello My Happy People,
Things have been so busy this week. I have finally started getting up and around here and getting back to normal daily activities. P.R. is still shadowing me and making sure I do not over do it (Who? Me?!).

I have been back at work finishing up the seventh and final book in the Into the West Saga Serial, Into the West: Family Ties. I just finished adding in a few chapters this week and have just about reached the halfway point on this book. It is finally flowing like the first books did. I was beginning to worry that would not happen, but thankfully it did. I am hoping to wrap this one up soon so I can focus on other projects we have planned. Later, we will be doing another historical fiction serial in another US territory.

I am also working on my research for the new thriller that is in progress, The Touch. As I started to get more into the actual police procedure descriptions, I realized my education was about 20 years old and decided I needed to check out the things that changed in that time.
I bought a bunch of reference books and am making notes. P.R. even bought me the Crime Classification Manual written by the team who created the Behavioral Science Unit for the FBI. These people developed the science/art of profiling. If this doesn't make my work accurate, nothing will.
In case you missed the latest news:
Our Manic Monday blog is now a TikTok vlog. We will still post them here on Mondays for our subscribers so you do not need to go to TikTok to see them. However, we'd love for you to follow us there too if you are already on TikTok.
Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt (our podcast) has begun season two with episode 51. Dianne is joined guest bestselling romance author, L.M. Wilson.
Episode 52 has already been recorded with guest historical fiction/western author, LeRoy A. Peters. That show will air next Wednesday, February 8th, 2023
We are looking for new authors to interview. If you or anyone you know is an author and would like to tell our listeners about their books, drop us a line and let us know. You could be a guest author on Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt in season two.
We have added romance author, D.S. Stephens to our author lineup. Her information will be coming to the site very soon.
We have finally put together a Linketr.ee site so you can easily find and share our links: linktr.ee/burckhardtbooks

Linktree QR Scan & Go!

Please welcome to Burckhardt Books,
Romance author, D.S. Stephens
That is if for today my happy people. It's time to stop all the blather and get to the jokes!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Q: Why was the Dalmatian puppy hiding?
A: Because he didn’t want to be spotted.
Q: Doc, I found this puppy. Do you think he's overweight?
A: No, he’s just a little husky.
Q: Why did Queen Elizabeth have so many dogs?
A: Because they had the corg-key to her heart.
Q: What kind of dog do vampires love?
A: blood-hounds.
Q: Why do Dachshunds always nap in the shade?
A: Because they don’t like to be hot dogs.
Q: What is Lassie's favorite vegetable?
A: Collie-flour!
Q: Why does your dog hide when it rains?
A: Because he's afraid of stepping in poodles.
Q: Where do dogs go if their tails fall off?
A: To a re-tail store.
Q: What kind of construction do dogs do?
A: Roofing.
Q: Did you want to rehome your dog?
A: Yes, but everything is fine now. We renegotiated the terms of his leash.
Q: What Pink Floyd album do dogs love?
A: The Bark Side of the Moon.
Q: How do you know if a dog is famous?
A: He's followed all day by a pack of pup-arazzi.
And last but not least ...
Q: What is the new prehistoric dog movie you saw?
A: Jurassic Bark, it was grrrrr-eat!
Funniest Dogs of the Week 🐶 | Funny Animal Videos |
AFV 2022 America's Funniest Home Videos
Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt
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What is a Chiari Malformation, a Syrinx (Syringomyelia), and Hydrocephalus?
Want to know more about the host of Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt? Check out Episode 1: Who Am I?
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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (guest interviews):
Coming in Season 2:
LM Wilson, author of The Last of the Spirit Drakes (EP: 51, Feb. 1, 2023)
Buy The Last of the Spirit Drakes on Amazon.com (USA)
Buy The Last of the Spirit Drakes on Amazon.de (Germany)
Buy The Last of the Spirit Drakes on Amazon.au (Australia)
LeRoy A Peters, author of The Edge of the World Series (EP: 52, Feb. 8, 2023)
Season 1 Guest Interviews:
Mark L. Redmond website: The Box M Gang (Episode 8: March 23, 2022)
DJ Jamison, Amazon Author Page (Episodes 21 & 22: July 6 & 13, 2022)
Allie "Book Historia" Alvis website (Episodes 23, 24, & 25: July 20 & 27, Aug 3, 2022)
Lisa Sillaway "Social Media Professor" (Episodes 26 & 27: Aug 10 & 17, 2022)
Kara Vogt from Kavo Creative Studio (Episodes 32 & 33: Sept. 21 & 28, 2022)
Wise Oak Soapery on Facebook
Carrie Donovan - writer/musician (Episode 37, October 26, 2022)
Sonali Dev, author of The Vibrant Years. (Episode 42: Nov. 30, 2022)
Kira Hagen, author of Strangeling. (Episode 43: Dec. 7, 2022)