Hello My Happy People,
I hope you are having a wonderful Friday and are looking forward to some great weather this weekend. I am very sleep deprived today so please forgive me if there are some typos in this post. My poor dog, Shaggy, gave me a very rude awakening at 5:45 this morning.
The batteries in a few of our smoke detectors decided to die at the same time this morning, causing them to chirp periodically. This sound always terrifies our dog, so he jumped on me for comfort. It took about an hour to get him to calm down after I gutted the smoke alarms to get them to stop making the noise.
After some cuddles, assurances the monsters were dead, and quick walk outside to sniff some plants (Shaggy not me), he finally calmed down but I could not get back to sleep. I have been a bit scatterbrained (more than my usual) since then.
I did some "just for fun" videos on TikTok and one book recommendation video just to try to wake up, did not help. Neither did the half a pot of coffee. I am not a nap person. If I fall asleep now, I will just be out for the count and then be up all night again. I will just drag it out until bedtime tonight and crash then.
Now on to a little bit of business. I just had an amazing interview with psychological thriller author, Val Collins last night. Her interview will be on next Wednesday's Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt podcast. I wish I could claim sleep deprivations last night, but I guess I will just have to go with Murphy's Law was in rare form!
After a wonderful interview, I went to turn off the recording so we could just have a bit of a private chat before saying goodbye ending the interview session. What actually happened was I clicked the wrong button and just ended up hanging up on Val.
I opened the room back up and waited a bit to see if she might log back on but she did not. I sent an email straight away to explain what happened and that I am never that intentionally rude to guest authors, but I got a error message back so I am not sure if she got the email at all ... which is odd because that was the same email we had used to go back and forth to set up the interview. It did show up in my sent folder so ... fingers crossed she got it and doesn't think I that rude.
Luckily, the interview was finished and it was so good. Be sure to check it out this next Wednesday! While you are checking out the podcast, the interview I had with women's fiction author, C. D'Angelo is still streaming as the most recent guest author interview. She is just delightful and you will love her energy and her books! Check it out this weekend, you will not regret it.
Coming up in March we will have visual storyteller/artist Kirstie Page visiting Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt. She uses art to bring her hidden stories to life. Her work can be found for sale as original art pieces, prints, on greeting cards, housewares and is just incredible!
Following Kirstie, we will have a two part interview with my friend, one of the few men I know who has almost as many legal names as I do, author, screenwriter, director, playwrite, and man about town, Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen. In part one, we will talk about his sci-fi book series and in part two we will focus on his screenwriting and the scripts he has been publishing in book formats. I have enjoyed working with him on a few of his book cover layout.
As far as my own books, I have just finished another chapter in Family Ties, part seven of the Into the West Saga Serial. This is the final book in this serial. I have been working on research for my next book I will be writing as Dianne Burckhardt, The Touch.
So much is happening this year with Burckhardt Books and and our Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt podcast. Be sure to sign up for our mailing list so you never miss a podcast, blog, vlog, or publication dates for books.
But for now ... it's time for the jokes!
Have a great weekend, people!
Q: What teams would play in a Pirate Super Bowl?
A: The Buccaneers and the Seahawks!
Q: What kind of tea do hockey players drink?
A: Penal-tea.
Q: Where do footballers (soccer players for Americans) go to dance?
A: To a foot ball!
Q: Where do American football players go when they get overheated?
A: Into the stands to be closer to their fans.
Q: Why did the football coach have the candy machine taken out of the locker room?
A: It wouldn't give him his quarterback!
Q: Where do baseball players go when they need a new uniform?
A: To New Jersey of course.
Q: Why did the footballer (soccer player) and the angry chicken both get red cards?
A: They both used fowl language.
Q: Which state would be a better home for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers?
A: Arrrrrrrrrkansas.
Q: Why did the cheerleaders have a seance during the football game?
A: They were trying to conjure a little team spirit.
Q: What does a Dallas Cowboys fan do after watching their team win the Super Bowl?
A: Turn off their Xbox and do their homework.
Q: What is the American football punter's favorite love song?
A: I get a kick out of you.
Q: Why did Kansas City's punter take a ball of string on the field with him?
A: So he could tie up the score.
And last but not least ...
Q: Why couldn’t Mahomes listen to music after the Super Bowl?
A: Because he had broke all the records.
Football Players Tell BAD Jokes! |
ft. Patrick Mahomes & Mitch Trubisky - Whistl
Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt
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What is a Chiari Malformation, a Syrinx (Syringomyelia), and Hydrocephalus?
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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (guest interviews):
Val Collins, author of the Aoife Walsh Books (EP: 54, Feb. 22, 2023)
Val Collins Books website
Val Collins Books on Facebook
Val Collins Amazon author page
Read a sample of Dying To Tell
Val Collins Books on Instagram
Kirstie Page, Visual Storyteller/Artist (EP: 55, March 1st, 2023)
Season 2 Past Guest Interviews:
LM Wilson, author of The Last of the Spirit Drakes (EP: 51, Feb. 1, 2023)
LeRoy A Peters, author of The Edge of the World Series (EP: 52, Feb. 8, 2023)
*NEW* The Hunter's Dawn: A Mountain Man Adventure (Saga of the Armstrong Brothers Mountain Man Series Book 4) buy on Amazon.com
C. D'Angelo, Award-Winning, Women's Fiction Author of The Difference and The Visitor (EP: 53, Feb. 15th, 2023)
Season 1 Guest Interviews:
Mark L. Redmond website: The Box M Gang (Episode 8: March 23, 2022)
DJ Jamison, Amazon Author Page (Episodes 21 & 22: July 6 & 13, 2022)
Allie "Book Historia" Alvis website (Episodes 23, 24, & 25: July 20 & 27, Aug 3, 2022)
Lisa Sillaway "Social Media Professor" (Episodes 26 & 27: Aug 10 & 17, 2022)
Kara Vogt from Kavo Creative Studio (Episodes 32 & 33: Sept. 21 & 28, 2022)
Wise Oak Soapery on Facebook
Carrie Donovan - writer/musician (Episode 37, October 26, 2022)
Sonali Dev, author of The Vibrant Years. (Episode 42: Nov. 30, 2022)
Kira Hagen, author of Strangeling. (Episode 43: Dec. 7, 2022)