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Friday Funnies: News & Interviews!

Writer: Dianne BurckhardtDianne Burckhardt

Hello My Happy People!

Did you catch my interview on The Outcasts Creative YouTube Channel March 1st on their Industry Interview webshow? If not, you can still go and watch the recorded show on their channel. Host, Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen, interviewed me and bestselling, psychological thriller author, Val Collins. You might remember Val was a guest on my own podcast, Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt, last week. You can still listen to her interview with me, Episode 54, at (<-- click here to go). Then watch the replay of the Industry Interviews with Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen on The Outcast Creative YouTube Channel by clicking HERE to watch this show.

While you are there be sure to check out this week's guest visual storyteller/ artist Kirstie Page. Her work is amazing and it was a total delight to speak with her.

Lance will be a guest on my show later in March, episode 56 on March 8th and episode 57 on March 15th. He is so involved in creative arts, I had to break him up into two shows to really cover his work in a decent manor. He is primarily a playwright and director but also writes the sci-fi series Diamonds in the Sky. Two books are currently in print on Amazon with more to come.

Now, I still have loads of things to get done so I'm off to do them so I can have some time to still write on my books and have date night with the husband. We are ordering in and watching the Mandalorian because we are both huge Star Wars fans like that.

Have a great weekend people!


Q: Are you a fan of whiteboards?

A: Yes, I find them quite re-markable.

Q: Did you hear Target has a new line of reversible jackets?

A: No, but now I’m excited to see how they turn out.

Q: Did you hear that my colleague can no longer attend next weeks Innuendo Seminar?

A: It's a shame because now I have to fill her slot.

Q: Did you hear that a man just assaulted his wife with milk, cream and butter?

A: Oh my goodness, how dairy! (dare he)

Q: Can you give an example of a non-prophet organisation? A: Atheism.

Q: I saw your post on Facebook that you burned 2,000 calories. How'd you do it?

A: It was easy, I left the brownies in the oven while I took a nap.

Q: Did you hear about the two silk worms who decided to race?

A: It ended in a tie!

Q: Sir, your test results are in. Were you aware that your DNA is backwards?

A: Yes, AND?

Q: Have you started reading the Braille horror novel I gave you?

A: Yes, it's very good. Something bad is about to happen… I can just feel it.

And last but not least ...

Q: What is a plateau?

A: It is the highest form of flattery.

"Visiting the Mona Lisa" - Jim Gaffigan Stand up (Quality Time)

Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt

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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (guest interviews):

Kirstie Page, Visual Storyteller/Artist (EP: 55, March 1st, 2023)

Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen, Author of Diamonds in the Sky Series

(EPs: 56 & 57, March 8th & 15th, 2023)

Season 2 Past Guest Interviews:

LM Wilson, author of The Last of the Spirit Drakes (EP: 51, Feb. 1, 2023)

LeRoy A Peters, author of The Edge of the World Series (EP: 52, Feb. 8, 2023)

C. D'Angelo, Author of The Difference and The Visitor (EP: 53, Feb. 15th, 2023)

Val Collins, author of the Aoife Walsh Books (EP: 54, Feb. 22, 2023)

Season 1 Guest Interviews:

DJ Jamison, Author of Never Have I Evan (Episodes 21 & 22: July 6 & 13, 2022)

Allie "Book Historia" Alvis website (Episodes 23, 24, & 25: July 20 & 27, Aug 3, 2022)

Lisa Sillaway "Social Media Professor" (Episodes 26 & 27: Aug 10 & 17, 2022)

Kara Vogt from Kavo Creative Studio (Episodes 32 & 33: Sept. 21 & 28, 2022)

Carrie Donovan - writer/musician (Episode 37, October 26, 2022)

Sonali Dev, author of The Vibrant Years. (Episode 42: Nov. 30, 2022)

Kira Hagen, author of Strangeling. (Episode 43: Dec. 7, 2022)


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