A very OLD photo of me and my sister.
Hello Posse,
I hope you are having a great week and are still finding fun things to keep you and your loved ones entertained and busy while we are all #SafeAtHome right now around the world. I have been working hard to finish up part four of my Into the West Saga Serial. I had a huge break through last week and I am so close to getting it done. The really good news, with the storyline problem I had to split the story I was originally writing and put half of it in the next book. Because of this, book five in the serial is already started.
Because I am working so much to finishing up the book, I am going to cheat a bit today on the funnies and instead of me writing out some jokes, I'm going to let a professional comedian tell you some sibling jokes for me.
Check out comedian, Kanan GIll. Be sure to check out his other videos on his Youtube channel (<-- click here) and subscribe to follow his work.
Quarantine Boredom Buster:
Have a worm race! Not with real worms, of course, but with paper worms.
You will need:
A Marker
A straw for each player
Now watch the next video to see how to make your racing worms.
Bonus ideas:
Since Easter is coming up I wanted to share some simple DIY Easter craft ideas too. I know many people are disappointed they will not be able to get together with friends or family this holiday so here are some ideas to make the day at home a little more fun.
If you like these videos, be sure to thank them by subscribing to their channels for more jokes and craft ideas.
Take care all and Happy Easter!