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Friday Funnies: I'm So Tired! Jokes, Updates & Crazy Ideas!

Writer: Dianne BurckhardtDianne Burckhardt

Hello My Happy People,

I hope you have had a great week and have amazing plans for this weekend. As for P.R. and myself, we finally get to use one of the Christmas gifts I got him last year, tickets to a KISS concert in Köln (Cologne). We plan to go the whole nine yards and paint our faces like it's the 80s again.

I have also been hard at work with my edits on Into the West: Family Ties. I think it might take me through the weekend to get them finished. When I am finished, I will send them off to beta readers and then my editor. I have been having computer issues and it's worrying me a bit. P.R. was planning to buy me a new computer in August, but I am not 100% certain this computer is going to make it until then. I can do everything from my laptop except edit my podcasts so I am trying to hurry up and edit all the interviews I already have recorded and that will take me to the first week of August. If I can do, that I should be safe (knock on wood!!!). In the meantime, I am doing backups daily and crossing my fingers.

It looks like we are going to move ahead and do an online magazine once a month. For the most part, the content would be from the authors I had on Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt the podcast. The new project would be Book Banter the Magazine. It will include information I had to cut for time from the podcast interviews, new interviews with authors who don't like doing podcasts, new release information from various authors, my reviews of the books given to me by the podcast guests, and any guest bloggers who would like to contribute articles on authors and book reviews. I thought about contacting the journalism department at my old university and seeing if some of their journalism students would like to contribute to get more practice and be published somewhere they can link to as job experience. I'm still working things out.

As far as my future books, I had been trying to decide which book I should write next, The Touch, my FBI Thriller, or Free Bad Haircuts with Each Craniotomy, my medical autobiography. I was chatting with Ann Charles after her interview on Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt (EP 74, July 12th 2023) and she asked me if I could write two books at once. I had tried that with finishing the Into the West: Family Ties and starting The Touch but it didn't work at all. I think part of the problem was I was wrapping up one story while trying to start another. Plus, both are fiction where I have to create the worlds. It was just too confusing for me.

With Free Bad Haircuts with Each Craniotomy and The Touch, it will be different. I will be starting both at the same time and only one would be creative while the other is just a retelling of events that actually happened in an entertaining way. I would go back and forth each week and be doing the same process on each so everything will be working, for the most part, in parallel. I am also going to actually plot these both out. Something I don't usually do. The goal will be to just write one chapter each week on the projects. I think I can do this. If nothing else it will be an interesting experiment. If It doesn't workout I can just pick one and finish it then go to the next. Nothing will be lost by giving it a try and I could gain some momentum on the projects. There is no downside.

So yeah, I just need to keep up with the my website, the vlogs, the blogs, and the podcast. Create an online magazine, lay it out, write it, and find some contributors. Finish my edits for Into the West: Family Ties, layout the final version of the cover in two formats and redesign all the other covers in the serial for the new layout. I need to set up two new books and get my outlines and research done so I can start those projects ASAP! Star writing query letters to publishers about Free Bad Haircuts with Each Craniotomy to see if anyone would want to traditionally publish that one. Make a boxed set of the Into the West Saga Serial and see if I can get a BookBub Feature Deal for that. Make promo videos for the podcast. Set up a pre-sale deal for Into the West: Family Ties and start promoting the heck out of that so I can see if I can get enough pre-orders to get it to a paid best sellers list on Amazon. I know I am forgetting something ... oh and do housework, cook, and spend quality time with P.R. and Shaggy. See why I'm tired?

Time to get get back to edits before it's time for date night tonight. Have a wonderful weeknd people.

Now it's time for the jokes!



Q: What are the sleepiest letters of the alphabet?

A: Zz

Q: Which film by Stanley Kubrick could be about the most exhausted person in the world?

A: Eyes Wide Shut

Q: What kind of sound machine to people in Florida prefer?

A: A Miami Sound Machine

Q: What do taxidermists cuddle with to get to sleep?

A: Stuffed animals

Q: What would you call a sleepy car?

A: I'm not sure, it could be tired or exhausted.

Q: What do you call a large concert attended by an exhausted audience?

A: The Lollapa-snooza!

Q: What do you call a camping treat with toasted marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate squares, and melatonin?

A: S’nores

Q: What do you call an exhausted striped horse?

A: A Zzzebra!

Q: What do you call a party full of sleepy people?

A: A snooze fest

Q: What do you call a giant bison-like mammal living in the mountains who can’t asleep?

A. It's an insomni-yak!

And last but not least ...

Q: How do you keep your dreams alive?

A: I hit the snooze button!

"Do Vitamins Actually work?"

Jim Gaffigan Stand up (Mr.Universe)

Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt

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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (2023 Guest Interviews):

Wendy Jo Cerna, Inspirational Author (EP 72: June 28)

Sabrina Hammonds, Kingdom Connections Podcast and Media Agency (EP 73: July 5)

Ann Charles, Mixed Genre Mystery Author (EP 74: July 12)

Natacha Deen, YA, Adult, and Non-Fiction Author (EP 75: June 21)

Kammy Wood, The Modern Wordist, Creative Writing Consultant (EP 76: June 26)

Season 2 Past Guest Interviews (2023):

LM Wilson, author of The Last of the Spirit Drakes (EP 51: Feb. 1)

LeRoy A Peters, author of The Edge of the World Series (EP 52: Feb. 8)

C. D'Angelo, Author of The Difference and The Visitor (EP 53: Feb. 15th)

Val Collins, author of the Aoife Walsh Books (EP 54: Feb. 22)

Kirstie Page, Visual Storyteller/Artist (EP 55: March 1st)

Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen, Author of Diamonds in the Sky Series

(EPs 56/57: March 8th/15th)

David Gibson, PhD FRSB, Author of Planting Clues: How Plants Solve Crimes.

(EP 58: March 22nd)

Linaya DiNoto, Science Fiction Author of Lithaflora: The Chrysalis: The Forever After Series (EP 59: March 29)

Kelly Florence, Screenwriter/Podcaster and Co-Author of 5 books in The Science of Series

(EP 60: April 5)

Stephanie LaVigne, Cozy Mystery Author of Headlines, Deadlines, and Lies

(EPs 61/62: April 12/19)

Nzondi (Ace Antonio Hall), horror author/actor/musician (EP 66 & 67: May 17 & 24)

Benecia Ponder, author coach and bestselling author (EP 68: May 31)

Diann Floyd Boehm, Children's Book Author/Educator/Podcaster (EP 69: June 7th)

Angela R. Hughes, Historical Epic Fantasy Author (EP 70: June 14)

Donna Edman, Photographer/Visual Storyteller/Author (EP 71: June 21)


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