Photo by Emrah Yazıcıoğlu : pexels.com/photo/a-man-posing-at-the-camera-12918268 with alterations by Dianne Burckhardt
Hello My Happy People,
As you might have guessed from the title and photo of this blog, I am about to FINALLY finish the first draft of Into the West: Family Ties. I just have two more scenes to write in the last chapter and it's done. I am not sure why this one was so difficult to write when all the other books in this serial just flowed out. Who knows? But I will be so glad to have this finished and out to all of you this summer.
Now I have a dilemma. I want to write The Touch next and have been doing loads of research on the topic to get it started, but I think I may have to do my autobiography first. I want to shop it to actual publishers and if I want to get it on the shelves by next October, I am already pressing my luck with that timeline with a publisher.
I have no problem putting it out as another self-published book, but I think this story is interesting enough that a publisher might pick it up. Either way, I think I need to get this written now so I will have it all ready to go by next year. My autobiography, Free Bad Haircuts With Each Craniotomy, will not be a novella. It will be a full novel with photos and excerpts from the journals I kept during all the surgeries. My general practioner from that time of my life has also agreed to write the foreward to explain my conditions in simple medical terms.
But first ... I need to finish the last two scenes of this last chapter of Into the West: Family ties! So time to get back to the keyboard! Well, I'm writing this on a keyboard on my desktop computer and I write the books on my laptop, so ... time to get back to the other keyboard!
Have a great weekend people! Now it's time for some jokes!!!
Q: Why did the DJ get disqualified from the race?
A: Because he kept changing tracks.
Q: Why did the police take the marathon runner to jail?
A: Because he resisted a rest.
Q: Did you hear about the fish that ran a marathon?
A: He knew he wouldn't win, but he still did it for the halibut.
Q: Did you hear about the lawyer with a torn ACL who won the marathon?
A: He could do it because he had power of a-torn-knee.
Q: What happens if you run behind a car?
A: You get exhausted.
Q: How do know if a runner you meet in a forest is crazy?
A: If you meet him on the psycho path.
Q: Why did the members of the gym always laugh when running on the treadmills?
A: Nevermind, you won’t get it. It is an inside running joke.
Q: Why did the snowman had to give up running?
A: Because he couldn’t warm up.
Q: Why don't you ever give money to charities that organize fundraising marathons?
A: Because they always just take your money and run.
And last but not least ...
Q: Where does the marathon in Helsinki end?
A: At the Finnish line.
Running the New York City Marathon
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Donna Edman, Photographer/Visual Storyteller/Author (EP 71: June 21)
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Wendy Jo Cerna, Inspirational Author (EP 72: June 28)
Wendy Jo Cerna website
Sabrina Hammonds, Kingdom Connections Podcast and Media Agency (EP 73: July 5)
Ann Charles, Mixed Genre Mystery Author (EP 74: July 12)
Natacha Deen, YA, Adult, and Non-Fiction Author (EP 75: June 21)
Kammy Wood, The Modern Wordist, Creative Writing Consultant (EP 76: June 26)
Season 2 Past Guest Interviews (2023):
LM Wilson, author of The Last of the Spirit Drakes (EP 51: Feb. 1)
LeRoy A Peters, author of The Edge of the World Series (EP 52: Feb. 8)
The Hunter's Dawn: A Mountain Man Adventure (Saga of the Armstrong Brothers Mountain Man Series Book 4) buy on Amazon.com
C. D'Angelo, Author of The Difference and The Visitor (EP 53: Feb. 15th)
Val Collins, author of the Aoife Walsh Books (EP 54: Feb. 22)
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Lance Steen Anthony Nielsen, Author of Diamonds in the Sky Series
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David Gibson, PhD FRSB, Author of Planting Clues: How Plants Solve Crimes.
(EP 58: March 22nd)
Linaya DiNoto, Science Fiction Author of Lithaflora: The Chrysalis: The Forever After Series (EP 59: March 29)
Kelly Florence, Screenwriter/Podcaster and Co-Author of 5 books in The Science of Series
(EP 60: April 5)
Stephanie LaVigne, Cozy Mystery Author of Headlines, Deadlines, and Lies
(EPs 61/62: April 12/19)
Nzondi (Ace Antonio Hall), horror author/actor/musician (EP 66 & 67: May 17 & 24)
Benecia Ponder, author coach and bestselling author (EP 68: May 31)
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Diann Floyd Boehm, Children's Book Author/Educator/Podcaster (EP 69: June 7th)
Angela R. Hughes, Historical Epic Fantasy Author (EP 70: June 14)
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