Hello Posse!
I hope you all had a wonderful New Year's Eve and are not feeling too worn out today. I know so many of us have been looking forward to this day. It is a relief to see 2020 come to an end and look forward to 2021 with renewed hope for health and prosperity in the coming year, more so than any recent New Year's transition.
With this new beginning, may people make resolutions to help them focus on the changes they wish to bring out in the new year. Personally, I made a resolution years ago to stop making resolutions and shockingly, I've kept that resolution. But what about you? Do you make resolutions? I would love to read them in the comments!
For now though, I think we need to start this New Year off right with a good laugh or two. So It is time for a few New Year's jokes!
Q: What is a New Year's resolution?
A: Something that goes in one year and other another.
Q: What is the best New Year's resolution?
A: 1080p (if you aren't into computer graphics, you may not get that one)
Q: Where is the best place to do math on New Year's Eve?
A: Times Square.
Q: What is the worst job to have on New Year's Day?
A: City clean up crew!
Q: Why was everyone so happy Jan. 1 2021?
A: Because hidesight was finally 2020!
Resolutions . . .
My 2021 Resolutions:
Gain weight.
Save less money than last year.
Set realistic expectations.
Incredible Hulk's 2021 Resolutions:
Smash less.
Be nicer to puny humans.
Buy new clothes . . . check out Spandex!
More Resolutions:
Guy: Hey, did you make and resolutions this year?
Girl: Yes, 1080p, 720p, and a few 480p. How about you?
Guy: Yeah, to not be so nerdy.
Here is to being more optimistic in the coming year!
May your glass always be half full . . . of good quality whisky, gin, or vodka!
