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Friday Funnies: Christmas Jokes

Writer: Dianne BurckhardtDianne Burckhardt

Hello My Happy People,

I don't know about you but I am starting to look forward to Christmas. My bonus daughter Mary, will be here next week and I will be taking time off from everything to spend quality time with her and my family.

We have so many great things planned and I am really looking forward to it. I am recording a special podcast for next wednesday to end season one with. I hope you will join me to close out what has been a fantastic year for me, setting up my recording studio, figuring out how to do a podcast, and speaking with so many great authors. I can't wait to share season two with you. It is already shaping up to be bigger and better! You will not want to miss out!

Why not join my mailing list? I never spam you, I'm too lazy to create enough content to do that. You can quit at anytime, no strings attached ... ever! With the mailing list, you get freebies and you always know when there are new podcasts, blogs, and most important ... book releases!

Until next week, have a lovely weekend!


Q: What did the wise men say after they gave Mary the gold and frankincense?

A: But wait ... there's myrrh!.

Q: What is it called when Santa get scared if he gets stuck in a chimney?

A: Claus-trophobia!

Q: What do you call an elf who refuses to make toys and quits Santa's workshop?

A: A rebel without a Claus!

Q: What do you call a ghost reindeer?

A: A Cari-boo!

Q: What do you say when a snowman has an angry fit?

A: He had a meltdown.

Q: Why do reindeer like the rocker Pink so much?

A: She sleighs!

Q: What carols do grapes sing at Christmas?

A: 'Tis the season to be jelly.

Q: What's the difference between the normal alphabet and the Christmas alphabet?

A: The Christmas alphabet has Noel in it.

Q: What did the gingerbread man put under his quilt on the bed?

A: A cookie sheet!

Q: Who is never hungry at the holidays?

A: The turkey, because he’s always stuffed.

Q: What did Santa name his dog?

A: Santa Paws!

Q: Where do Santa's reindeer meet for coffee?

A: At the local Star-bucks!

And last but not least ...

Q: What’s the absolute best Christmas present?

A: A broken drum ... you just can’t beat it!

50 Christmas Jokes

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