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Book Banter S3 EP 131: Heidi McIntyre Interview

"There is one bleeped word (su!c!de) in this interview"

Hello My Happy People,

If you love a well written story with relatable characters, a little romance, a little magical realism and paranormal encounters that are actually inspired by real star-crossed lovers ... have I got a new author for you! 

Heidi McIntyre is a self-proclaimed late bloomer. She put off marriage until her mid-forties and didn’t start writing creatively until a few years later. A career path she was inspired to pursue by a professor who convinced her to change her field of study to English.


It was this change that caused a spark in her to become a published author — a dream she finally realized in February of 2023 with her debut novel Sea Magic. While she admits this passion was slow to ignite in her, she has never let that fire die out since.

Find out more from the author herself about her book, career, and her author coaching. Don't wait, go listen now. Just click the purple microphone below to listen in. 

You can find out more about all our authors from August and September

in the current issue of Book Banter Magazine.



Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt

Purple background with a black microphone and headset with the word podcast

^ Click the purple box to listen now ^

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Aug/Sept Issue on Sale NOW only $2.99

Book Banter Magazine publishes every other month beginning in February to coincide with the Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast broadcasting seasons. We will also have the Year End Book Buying Guide in November for holiday shopping with every author guest from the current season. Follow us on social media to stay up to date on all our coming issues. Click the cover to read a sample of the latest issue.

Follow us on Facebook: @BurckhardtBooks and @DianneBurckhardt.Author

Advertisement for Book Banater with Dianne Burckhardt - Book Talk Podcast. Pink background with an image of Dianne to the right of the text. on the bottom left are the logos for Burckhardt Books and Dianne Burckhardt. The text reads: Join award-winning author, Dianne Burckhardt every Wednesday as she chats with other authors and publishing industry professionals If you love books like we do, you do not want to miss this podcast! Burckhardt books dot com slashpodcast
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Support Our Book Banter Buddies (2024 Guest Interviews):

* Special Episode January 10th, 2024 Celebrating Our 100th Broadcast *


Special Guest: Pedro (P.R.) Burckhardt

Producer for Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt Podcast and Book Banter Magazine

Season Three Aug/Sept Episodes:


Aug. 7th S3 EP 130:

Gerardo Bloise, Author of CSI: The Casey Anthony Child Murder Case

Gerardo's Forensic Website


Aug. 14t S3 EP 131:

Heidi McIntyre, Author of Sea Magic

Heidi's Website

Aug. 21st S3 EP 132: Memoir and Mystery/Thrillers

Sheila Lowe, Author of Growing from the Ashes and The Claudia Rose Series

Sheila's Website

Aug. 28th S3 EP 133: Cookbook

Kausar Ahmed, Author of The Karachi Kitchen: Classic and Contemporary Flavors of Pakistan

Kausar's Website

Sept. 4th S3 EP 134: Memoir

Jelaine Lombardi, Author of Running Around Naked: A Memoir 

Jelaine's Website

Sept. 11th S3 EP 135: Dramatic Fiction and Memoir

David Weill, Author of All that Really Matters and Exhale: Hope, Healing, and a Life in Transplant

David's Website

Sept. 18th S3 EP 136:

Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg, Author of Daughter of a Promise

       Jeanne's Website

Sept. 25th S3 EP 137: Memoir

Mary P. Fisher, Author of The Other Side of Nursing - Lessons I Learned from My Patients

Mary's Website


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