Hello My Happy People,
I am so excited today to bring you the second part of the three part interview with Allie "Book Historia" Alvis. We has such an fascinating talk about book history, publishing and rebinding techniques, types of books and book elements developed over the years, and so much more. I seriously could have talked to her all day long!
Today we chat about Allie's life after grad school and what it was like to land her first job at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. She shares a great story about the time she was asked to babysit "something" in the special collections reading room.
She also shares one of her "babies" she was able to work with at the Smithsonian. The book is from the 1490's and she shares what makes this particular volume so incredible. You can read Allie's article about the book by clicking the photo of the photo to the left.
We end the interview today with our discussion of the Horn Book. This early children's book design is so innovative for the time period and something I think you will find to be very interesting. If you love books like we do, you will not want to miss this interview! I personally have listened to it several times while editing it all and I am still impressed with Allie's interview every time I listen to her.
Don't forget, next week we wrap up our interview with Allie as we discuss her work at Type Punch Matrix and her social media endeavors as "Book Historia" throughout social media. Don't forget to check out all her sites. Links are listed below.
Following Allie in our lineup beginning August 10th we have The Social Media Professor, Lisa Sillaway. She is going to share the best practices for anyone who wants to grow their following on social media whether it is for a start-up, the seasoned entrepreneur, or indie authors like me. I am sure everyone who uses social media will find something useful in this interview.
So now it's time to check out the podcast and be sure to go forth ... and be happy.
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About Dianne:
What is a Chiari Malformation, a Syrinx (Syringomyelia), and Hydrocephalus?
Want to know more about the host of Book Banter with Dianne Burckhardt (formerly Whatever Wednesday with Dianne burckhardt)? Check out Episode 1: Who Am I?
Support Our Book Banter Buddies (guest interviews):
Allie "Book Historia" Alvis website (Episodes 23, 24, & 25: July 20 & 27, Aug 3, 2022)
Book Historia Social Media:
Fore edge painting TikTok artist mentioned in interview (Episode 23)
Horn book mentioned in interview (Episode 24)
Lisa Sillaway "Social Media Professor" (Episodes 26 & 27: Aug 10 & 17, 2022)
The Social Media Professor's Social Media:
Past Guest Interviews:
Mark L. Redmond website: The Box M Gang (Episode 8: March 23, 2022)
DJ Jamison, Amazon Author Page (Episodes 21 & 22: July 6 & 13, 2022)
Future Guest Interviews:
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