My stepdaughter came to visit and it was fantastic. I didn't write a single word the entire time she was here.
I tried on a few occasions to work but then we would start talking and decide to go out and run errands and I got distracted like a Labrador seeing a squirrel. She has since gone back home to Chile and I am once again trying to get back into the swing of writing.
I finished my last short story for the group projects with western author, Scott Harris. This makes the forth story I have contributed to his western anthologies. It's been a real pleasure to be a part of these books and I look forward to buying a few copies so I can read all the other submissions. Now it's time to focus on my own work.
I have decided that I need a break from westerns. I have been promising book three for so long |I know I need to get this finished first before I move on to anything else. I still plan to finish out the entire 5 or 6 book serial but I think I want to try my hand at another genre after I finish book 3 before i go ban and finish the serial.
I really think taking the break will help with this writers block I've been having with the serial. At least, I hope it will.
|i really want to finish write book 3 by the end of the month and get it to my editor. With luck I can have it ready to publish by September. I might still be able to make it to the book convention in October but we will have to see how things go.
Until then, I plan to keep plugging along.
Thanks for sticking with me!