Due to pricing changes in the way the print on demand company prices their paperbacks, I have decided to do away with my idea to offer a single collection book when the saga is complete.
If you have noticed, the limited edition trade paperback with just part one and two included, has had a price jump from $8.99 to $11.99. My profit per book has not increased with that price jump, it's all going to the print costs. To me, the final cost is just not going to be realistic.
I will continue with the plan to keep releasing them all as individual print and ebook editions. Should something change by the time I finish the saga, I can reevaluate then. But for now, there are no longer plans to release a single volume edition with all the novellas from the Into the West Saga Serial.
Thanks for your support and understanding. Tomorrow is another day to write, to read, and to be happy!
Happy trails!