I think, "I tried to make plans ..." will have to be carved on my headstone one day. I always make great plans and about a week in, all hell breaks lose.
I started back to my class and the first week went pretty well. Then the second week hit and I got sick. I ended up with pneumonia and I'm just now starting to get back to myself. I'm still fighting off stomach problems but I was able to go back to school even after being out for three weeks.
I was surprised I was even allowed to go back and pick up where the class left off before Christmas. Luckily, my teacher is nice and kept up with me while I was out sick so I wouldn't fall too far behind. The first day I went back I had to make up tests I had missed. I was able to get a C on the tests. Not too bad for missing three weeks of a four weeks section.
I have another test tomorrow and the big test comes February 3. This is the test I have to pass to move up in the class. If I do not pass this one, I have to start all over from the beginning. So you can imagine I will be spending most of my time studying and doing very little on the website and I will not be posting very much.
Please try to bear with me while I finish up this class. Once it's done, I'll be free and can devote all of my time to writing. I promise I will come up with a special something for all of you on here as soon as this is over with if you keep following me through all of this. I'm thinking of writing a special side story just for you. It will not appear in any of the books and will only be available in the members only section on my webpage. I'll let you know for sure when I am closer to the end of my class.
Thank you for sticking with me!