I taught my first class today. It was so much fun. My first student was a little girl. She was so smart and so cute. I had a lot of fun talking to her. I did make one mistake in class but I caught it and corrected myself. I went over time by a minute and a half but for my first class I think that was pretty good. Tomorrow I have two classes back to back. I teach the same material in both classes so it should be easier.
I took a break after class and played with Shaggy. Poor guy gets shut in the living room when I'm teaching. He can run out on the patio and around the living room; he can hear me talking in the kitchen but he can't see or get to me. I try to make it up to him with a lot of treats and we we play fetch when I'm done. It helps me wind down after the class too. This is all new to me and I really want to do a good job so it's stressful. It's a good stress but still stress.
Now, I'm working on book stuff for the rest of the night. I'm torn between working on the website some more or start writing book three. I'm not really in the right mindset for writing tonight. I think I'll start on that tomorrow and work on the website some more tonight. I almost have everything moved over from the old site. It will be nice to have it all rebuilt. One more thing I can check off my huge list of things to do.
Tomorrow I have two classes to teach, errands to run, and start writing book three. This will be my last free weekend for a while. I plan to spend it with P.R. and Shaggy and try to really enjoy the time we have together. Starting next weekend I will have to teach on Sundays. I am really looking forward to finishing the class I'm taking. Things will be so much simpler when that is over.