D.S. Stephens
Romance Author
"Love is just a word until someone comes a long and gives it meaning."
― Paulo Coelho

D.S. Stephens
D.S. Stephens has spent the majority of her life in the Wichita area of Kansas but she has a strong connection to Missouri, where her parents are from.
D.S. has always love to write but has never considered publishing until Dianne Burckhardt approached her and asked her to join Burckhardt Books. D.S. is currently working on her first book. Her first title will most likely be a novella just to introduce her characters and get her feet wet in the market. Read more ...
Author News
(February 2023) Romance author, D.S. Stephens, joined Burckhardt Books (BB). Her first book with BB is expected to be published sometime in 2025. We have been devoting the majority of our time to getting Book Banter Magazine established. We will be releasing work from D.S. Stephens soon.
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