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Notice: Due to the massive redesign and creation of Burckhardt Books, some internal links in blogs posted before January 24, 2022 may no long be active. If you find a broken link, please send us an email and let us know which blog it is in. We will do our best to go back and check links in previous blogs as time permits. But let's be honest, it's going to be slow going. 

Writer's pictureStephen Burckhardt

Too Much Fun!

I have been off line for a few weeks now essentially. The reason for that is I have just been having too much fun living life with P.R.

Last year was tough for us. I was finishing up some classes I had to complete and P.R. was traveling all over the world for work. I think out of 12 months we were actually in the same country only about 9 of those months, if that much.

So this year we have been enjoying the fact that we actually get to be together a good deal of the time. Two weekends ago we went to a Star Trek convention and last week we went to a comic con, my first. It was so much fun!

Not only did we get to have fun with cos players, meet stars, and get photos and autographs but I also hit it off with another fan there and P.R. and I have now become friends with another sci-fi fan. Something I never expected to happen at a convention.

I have to admit, the comic con was a bit hard on me physically. I stood in line, on a cement floor, for an autograph for more than an hour. Most of that time the line wasn't even moving as we waited for the star to come back from taking a break. I was in pain for days after that but I did eventually got to meet them and get their autograph which I will have forever and the pain will eventually all pass so to me it was worth it.

This weekend we are finally going to see the new Avengers movie before I learn any more about the plot than I all ready have. There is also a food truck festival going on somewhere in town this weekend so we may have to hit that up before the movie.

I am doing my best to work in writing too. I just designed and ordered some business cards to hand out as I visit local bookstores and libraries to try to get my books on the shelves. We will see what happens. I want to design either a post card or flyers to have printed up too.

Besides all of this, Dianne has a voice again so we are going to try working on getting some recordings done for the first audio book and see how that works out. If it goes well, we will then worry about recording the other books as they come out. if is doesn't, then we won't be likely to devote any more time to that venture.

I think what I'm going to start doing is set it up where I work on certain things on certain days. Right now I'm just trying to do everything everyday and we have all seen how well that has worked out for me.

From now on, Monday's I will focus on the audio books, Tuesday I will try to at least write a blog. Wednesday, I will work on short stories for the website, the anthology I'm partnered with, and contests. Thursday I will focus on publicity and Friday through Sunday I will focus on book three.

I'm doing my best to do better with time management. We'll see how this works out.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following along with me as I figure this all out



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